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Trello Pricing: Which Plan Is Right for You in 2024?

Trello is one of the best project management solutions, but it’s quirky about what it will charge you. Join us as we go over Trello pricing in detail and figure out the best plan for you.

Fergus O'SullivanAleksander Hougen

Written by Fergus O'Sullivan (Writer, Former Chief Editor)

Reviewed by Aleksander Hougen (Co-Chief Editor)

Last Updated: 2024-02-11T14:10:35+00:00

All our content is written fully by humans; we do not publish AI writing. Learn more here.

Trello is one of the best project management software options; its kanban board rocks and it has a long list of interesting extra features. Check out our Trello review for the details on what makes Trello great. In this article, we’ll go over Trello pricing to see if it’s worth it.

After hours of testing we can confidently say that… It depends. In a recent update, Trello greatly increased the offerings in its free plan, making it more attractive than ever. At the same time, it added new features to its paid plan and slotted in a cheaper version that costs half as much.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trello’s free plan is better than ever, offering unlimited integrations and automation functions. All you need to do is sign up.
  • We’re not blown away by Trello’s paid plans. The Premium plan, for example, costs as much as other project management software, but offers fewer features.
  • With ingenuity, you could probably put together your own custom project management tool using Trello’s free plan and the right integrations.

However impressive Trello’s pricing shakeup is, though, fundamental flaws still remain. While Trello’s free version is one of the best free project management solutions, we’re not sure if the paid plans are worth it, at least not for everybody. Let’s take a closer look to see where you and your team fall.

  • 12/21/2021

    Full rewrite in light of Trello’s shakeup of its pricing schedule and plan structure.

How Much Does Trello Cost?

We’ll start with Trello’s pricing table. There are four plans, with each plan containing all the features of the plan before.

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  • Unlimited users, 10 boards, Unlimited power-ups, Unlimited storage
  • Price is per user, Unlimited boards, Custom fields, Invite guests
  • Price is per user, Several new views
  • Price is per user, Advanced admin & security settings

Understanding Trello’s Pricing & Plan Changes

We’ll go over what each plan does and how much it costs below, but first let’s go over some of the main changes in the structure of the plans. For one, Trello’s freelancer plan, Trello Gold, is gone. It used to cost just $5 per month or $45 per year, was restricted to one user and gave you extra power-ups per board.

We liked Trello Gold and gave it special mention in our best project management software for freelancers roundup, but apparently it wasn’t popular. That’s no surprise, really, as freelancer-focused options like Todoist or offer much the same functionality for a lot less money.

Another big change is Trello Business Class is now named Premium and adds several new views to Trello, most importantly a calendar and a timeline, which acts like a light version of a Gantt chart

There’s also a cheaper paid plan as an intermediate step between the free version and the Premium plan. Called Standard, it adds slightly more advanced features and removes some caps.

Trello Free Plan

The star of the show is Trello’s free plan, which is one of the best of its kind. It always was one of our favorites, but got even better in this latest update. At its core, though, it’s a kanban board, a way of organizing tasks by moving them across columns that represent where they are in the project management process. 

trello cost kanban
Kanban boards are a great system and Trello is an excellent example.

If all you need is a board, Trello’s free plan is probably your best choice (it’s our favorite kanban app for a reason). We do mean all you need, though. In the free plan, all you get is a Trello board, nothing else. No calendar to track when things are due, no charts, nothing.

Power Up Trello

To add extra functionality, you’re supposed to use integrations, which Trello calls power-ups. Before the recent update, the free plan only gave you one Trello power-up per board, though. This hobbled its usefulness by a great deal and forced you to upgrade to the Business Class plan to get unlimited power-ups. 

Now, you can use as many integrations as you want on the free plan. As a result, you can make Trello a center point in a project management strategy. If you need anything besides the board, you can just use a power-up to get it.

trello cost power ups
There’s no shortage of power-ups to choose from.

That said, the best power-ups are those offered by Trello. Anything from third parties usually comes with a few strings. You often need to create an account with the service, pay for it, or do both. It’s not like you can cobble together a project management platform from different parts without going through extra trouble.

Other Free Plan Perks

Besides unlimited integrations and a great board, Trello offers other interesting perks in the free plan. These include the ability to create automations using the Butler, so you can have Trello handle certain repetitive tasks for you (we talk about this at length in our best workflow automation software article). The free plan only lets you perform 250 actions per month, though.

trello cost unlimited automation
Trello’s Butler can help you set up new automations.

Trello also offers unlimited storage, though files can’t be larger than 10MB — paid plans increase this to 250MB. You can add as many people as you like to Trello boards, too, which is great for large teams that need everybody to be on the same page for free. Cards are unlimited as well, but you can only have 10 active boards at a time.

Trello Standard 

If you chafe at the limits of Trello’s free plan or want a few more options without springing for the Premium plan and its many extras, the Standard plan may be worth checking out. At $5 per user per month, it’s a decent deal and a lot cheaper than, say, pricing.

The main attraction is that signing up for Standard removes the board cap; having unlimited team boards is a great deal for larger teams juggling complex projects. It also lets you run 1,000 automation actions instead of 250, which is neat.

Other perks include the ability to add advanced checklists to cards. We’re not sure what makes these checklists advanced, but, hey, there you go. You can also create custom fields for cards, which used to be a power-up, and is handy if you want to add new data fields to tasks.

trello cost custom fields
There are a lot of options for custom fields.

Looking over the features offered by the Standard plan, we’re not sure it’s worth the money. Though $60 per user per year is reasonable compared to the rest of the market (look at Asana’s pricing, for example), it’s still a lot of money, especially considering much of the Standard plan’s perks can be strung together through smart use of power-ups.

Trello Premium

The Premium plan faces a similar issue as the Standard plan. At $10 per user per month, it falls where most other project management software does, but it doesn’t offer the same usability. For that money, the automation caps are removed and a lot of small doodads are added, but in the bigger picture, not much changes.

The big change in functionality in the Premium plan is the new views. There’s a cool dashboard, which lets you see in graphs what’s going on with your team and is a great addition for anybody managing larger teams. There’s also, finally, a built-in calendar, which looks great.

trello cost calendar
Trello didn’t have a built-in calendar for the longest time.

There’s a neat timeline view, but it isn’t as good as those offered by competitors, like or Asana. There’s also a map view, but as we mention in our Trello review, we’re not blown away by it.

trello cost map
Map views are generally more fancy gimmick than usable feature.

When we think “premium features,” we expect more than just a calendar and a timeline, especially when paying what Trello is charging. There doesn’t seem to be much in the paid plans that you can’t already put together in the free plan, so you’re better off just fiddling with integrations until you get a comparable project management tool.

The odd thing is that in late 2020, Trello released an update where the Premium plan included a list and other handy tools that made it easy to handle multiple projects and their details. Though at the time we felt these features needed fine-tuning, we were a lot more confident recommending people shell out for them. This package feels underwhelming.

Trello Enterprise

Last but not least is Trello Enterprise, the package aimed at large corporations. Since our audience generally doesn’t include Fortune 500 companies, we won’t go into too much detail here, except to say that we like Trello’s offering. You get great advanced security and admin options that should make it easier to track what a large workforce is up to.

Interestingly, Trello is one of the few project management solutions that advertises the cost of its top-level plan, which, at $17.50 per user per month, is reasonable. If you’re signing up with more than 250 people, this price goes down, though only by pennies.

Final Thoughts: Trello Pricing

Trello’s free plan is one of our favorites. However, we’re not sure if you should pay for Trello. It doesn’t seem worth it, especially now that you get unlimited power-ups in the free version.

That said, there are interesting options in the Premium plan that may make it worth your while, so we recommend giving Trello’s free trial a spin. Just sign up with your business email to get 14 days on the Premium plan, no credit card required.

What do you think of Trello pricing? Will you be signing up? Is the update any good, or should they have kept things the way they were? Let us know in the comments below and, as always, thank you for reading.


  • We’re not sure if Trello is worth paying for. While the paid plans have nifty features, other project management solutions offer more for the same price.

  • There’s no limit to the number of users you can have on Trello’s free plan.

  • Yes, once you sign up to the free plan, you’ll never be asked to pay — unless you upgrade, of course.

  • Trello’s pricing plans fall in line with the rest of the industry, but whether they’re worth it depends on what you need.

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