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How to Use Make Integromat Guide for Beginners

How to Use (Formerly Integromat): Beginner’s Guide for 2024

If you have been looking for a way to connect the many software services your company uses so that you can visualize and automate workflows, enhance productivity, increase worker efficiency and save time, you’re going to love our how to use guide.

Brett DayAleksander HougenJasna Mishevska

Written by Brett Day (Writer, Editor)

Reviewed by Aleksander Hougen (Co-Chief Editor)

Facts checked by Jasna Mishevska (Lead Fact-Checking Editor)

Last Updated: 2024-02-07T20:11:00+00:00

All our content is written fully by humans; we do not publish AI writing. Learn more here.

Key Takeaways: How to Use (Formerly Integromat)

  • is a no-code automation development platform that makes it easy to visualize and create automations for over 1,000 platforms, thanks to its user-friendly graphical interface.
  • Users will find that is incredibly powerful, but it can take some time to get used to the platform’s terminology.
  • offers multiple plans, including a free plan that supports 1,000 monthly operations. There are also competitively priced paid plans for those looking to switch from competing platforms like Zapier or IFTTT. is a powerful Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) that links software platforms and shares data across them. If you want to see increased productivity in your team and save time by using automations for tedious tasks, our how to use guide will demystify the platform for you.

Below, we’ll explain what (formerly Integromat) is. We’ll cover the platform’s terminology and explain how you can use Additionally, you’ll learn how to create a Make account, generate connections with your favorite apps and build a new workflow. Follow this guide and you’ll be well on your way to saving precious time. Let’s jump right in.

  • 02/23/2022

    Updated the article to reflect that Integromat changed its name to Make.

  • 02/02/2024 Facts checked

    Our how to use guide has been updated with new information and uses, along with an easier-to-read format.

What Is (Formerly Integromat)? (formerly Integromat) is a no-code workflow automation platform with a slick user interface. With, users can link supported apps — namely social media platforms, the best cloud data storage services, the best project management software and hundreds of other tools — to create automated workflows that can improve efficiency across an entire company.

make’s no-code graphical interface lets you automate complex processes easily.

Understanding Scenarios and Modules: Common Terms

One of the biggest issues users will run into is’s terminology. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll start creating scenarios (workflows) for project management apps and more in no time, but expect a learning curve upfront. We’ve listed several terms you’ll need to understand to get the most out of the platform.

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  • Scenario: The term used to describe an entire automated process.
  • Module: A device, trigger, action or app in the scenario that transmits and receives data.
  • Operation: The triggers and actions that build a scenario.
  • Trigger: An event that kick-starts a scenario.
  • Action: An event or task that occurs once a trigger is activated.
  • Connection: The link between actions and third-party software platforms.
  • Filter: A process that helps creators filter data for use in triggers.

How to Use Effectively for Workflow Automation allows project managers, Scrum Masters, content creators, marketing designers and many others to ease their workloads by using premade automation templates or by creating automations for more than 1,000 apps and software platforms.

You’ll find automation recipes that can automatically post updates, email team members, assign tasks, create new records and reports from data, archive completed tasks and so on. Here, we’ll go over some popular software platforms and a few of the automations you can create to make your life easier.

make integrations offers more than 1,000 applications and software platforms.

Best Apps & Integrations for

  • — You can use to add users, establish columns, create items and generally make project and task management easier. Here’s our review.
  • Google Drive — Users are able to create automations that can watch for comments in documents, generate shared drives, download files and more. Be sure to read our Google Drive review.
  • Facebook Pages — Automations for Facebook can like posts, create and watch for comments, delete photos and posts and so on.
  • Trello — Users can automate processes like archiving and unarchiving cards, assigning tasks to team members, adding card labels and generating checklists. Find out more in our Trello review.
  • Slack — allows users to automate channel creation, create reminders, invite or kick users, pin messages and a whole lot more. See our Slack review for details.
  • Jira — Scrum Masters can create automations to assign and unassign issues, add attachments, update statuses and retrieve changelogs. Check out our Jira review.
  • Dropbox — If you use Dropbox for data storage, you can make automations that create folders, update shared links, find and restore files, watch folders for changes and then some. Read all about it in our Dropbox review.

How to Get Started With Beginner’s Guide

  1. Sign Up for (Formerly Integromat)

    Before you can go any further with, you’ll need to create an account. You can choose whether to try the free or paid version. For this tutorial, we’ll sign up for a free account. Head to the website and click the “get started free” button in the top-right corner.

    make get started
  2. Fill Out Your Personal Details

    Next, you’ll need to add your personal details, including your name, email address, country, desired password and the host country that will store your data. You’ll also need to accept the service’s terms and conditions, and you can also opt into the newsletter if you wish.

    make sign up
  3. Summarize How You Will Use

    After you confirm your account, will ask you to summarize how you’ll use it. A short questionnaire will ask what role you play in your company, how many employees there are, what actions you want to automate and whether you have any experience automating actions.

    make account user questions
  4. Check Out the Dashboard

    Once you answer’s questions, you’ll be whisked away to the dashboard, which is where all the fun starts. After a quick introductory tour, you’ll be asked to create your first scenario. You do this by clicking the purple “create a new scenario” button in the top-right corner.

    make dashboard
  5. Go to the “Scenarios” Tab

    Creating a scenario can seem a little daunting at first, but fear not — the onscreen hints will help guide you. To get started, click the large “plus” icon in the middle of the screen.

    make create scenario
  6. Select Your Trigger App

    After clicking the plus icon, you’ll be presented with a massive, searchable list of triggers — applications — to choose from. For this guide, we chose Trello.

    make choose trigger app
  7. Select the Trigger

    Once you select a trigger application, it’ll ask you to choose the trigger itself. Again, you’ll see a long list of options. Click the trigger that you want to use to kick-start your automation. Fortunately, the list is searchable, so finding the right trigger isn’t too time consuming. We chose the “watch cards moved to a list” trigger.

    make choose trigger app
  8. Give Access to Trello

    Upon selecting a trigger, will ask you to create a new connection with your chosen platform. To do this, simply click the “create a connection” box. Follow the onscreen instructions, and the platforms will connect almost instantly.

    make create connection
  9. Set the Trigger Criteria

    Once the connection is made, will ask you to set the trigger criteria. For this example, it asked us to choose the Trello board we wanted to use and which list to watch.

    make trigger criteria
  10. Create the Next Step

    So far, we have created a simple automation, but let’s take it a step further by having it create a new document in Google Docs every time a card is moved to our watched list. To do this, click the “add another module” link that juts out from the main Trello circle.

    make new module
  11. Allow Access to the New App

    After you select a trigger — in our case, it’s “create a document” — you’ll need to grant access to the new application. The procedure is the same as the one we performed in step eight. Just follow the onscreen instructions to link your accounts.

    make new module connection
  12. Set Criteria for the Action

    You’ll once again need to select criteria for your new module, though things look a little more complex than before. Don’t worry, though — the options aren’t as complicated as they seem. For example, if you want to document the name of the Trello card that was moved, you’ll simply select “card ID” in the “name” and “content” fields. You can then choose where you want to save the document.

    make set criteria
  13. Add a Third Step (Optional)

    You can create multi-step scenarios easily in, so we’ll add one other module, though this step isn’t necessary. You can make your scenarios as straightforward or complex as you wish. This time, we’ll add a module for Google Calendar. The “add to calendar” trigger will show us when a card is moved to our watch list. Once you select your app and trigger, authorize the app connection.

    make third module
  14. Set Criteria for the Action Again

    You’ll need to set the criteria for the trigger once more. As mentioned before, the options list here is extensive and looks a little scary, but you’ll be fine if you read the descriptions. We just want to add the name of the Trello card that was moved to our watched list, so we’ll choose “name” in the “event” column. You can also give the calendar a name if you want.

    make third module criteria
  15. Test Your Scenario

    Now that you’ve built your scenario, you should test it. This is especially true if you have created a multi-step scenario. To do this, simply click the “run once” button in the bottom-left corner.

    make test scenario
  16. Check Any Errors

    After testing your scenario, you’ll see a test status in the bottom-right corner. If all goes to plan, which it did for us, the scenario will automatically save itself. Should you have any errors, will show you what needs to be corrected. If this happens to you, fix the errors and rerun the test.

    make scenario report

When you complete all of these steps, you’ll have an excellent automation that will help you increase efficiency and productivity. As you can see, it’s easy to create simple and complex automations with We recommend you take advantage of the free plan to see how it works. Our experts believe you’ll find the graphical interface intuitive and pleasant to use.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been on the fence about (formerly Integromat), we hope our guide helped to alleviate your concerns. While making automations can be tricky, has created a platform that makes the process pain-free. Take the free plan out for a spin and create a couple of scenarios; you might find that you like it better than Zapier or IFTTT.

Did you find our guide helpful? Has it inspired you to give it a try? Have you used it before, but still prefer other automation platforms? What platforms do you like to use for creating automations? Let us know in the comments, and as always, thanks for reading.

FAQ: How to Use

  • Yes, is the same as Integromat. The name “” came into use in 2022 after the owners rebranded to better align with customers.

  • is an automation builder. users can create automation recipes or use predetermined templates to automate tedious and repetitive tasks.

  • and Zapier are similar platforms. Our team of experts believes that is better for those needing to automate complex workflows, thanks to its graphical user interface. However, Zapier is user-friendly and can connect with more applications.

  • Yes, works with Google Sheets. Users can create automations to generate new columns, add sheets, perform functions, search rows, watch for changes and more.

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