Partnership with

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Store your files in
total privacy, free
for the first 30 days

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Free for the first 30 days


2TB Plan

8.99 €/month after 30 days

Encrypted file storage and sharing

Access your files from any device

Get access to all our services

No unauthorized data access

Protect your data with Internxt

Let us take care of your security and privacy. You focus on what matters to you. Encrypt, store, share, send, and back up all your files and photos with Internxt.

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Devices (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop)

Why choose Internxt?

Privacy made for everyone and simple-to-use online security that you don’t have to be an expert to understand. Powerful but familiar, Internxt is encrypted cloud storage built for everyday use in all walks of life.

Private by default

No first or third-party access to your files ever! You have total control of your data.

Fast sync

Encrypt, scramble, fragment, distribute, and transfer, all in the blink of an eye.

Secure from the core

End-to-end encrypted, fragmented, and scattered across a vast distributed network.

Safe sharing

Send encrypted files and photos back and forth to your favorite people via link and email.


Privacy for all devices, browsers, and operating systems: Linux, Windows, macOS, iOS, Android.


You are the only one with access to your data. Not even Internxt can view your files!

Our 2TB deal includes:

30-day money-back guarantee

Encrypted file storage and sharing

Sync files and photos on any device

Access to all our services: Drive, Photos, and Send

Deal is valid only for new subscribers or free plan users.

Free for the first 30 days


8.99/month after 30 days

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